Monday, April 19, 2010

Moroccan Dilemma

I love these Moraccan tea tables.  I have had the rectangle, long narrow one for years.  It sits in front of my sofa and has held many a cup of coffee or cocktail.  It is easy to move for dancing or a card table.  It follows the line of the sofa.

I purchased this round Moroccan tea table at an antique shop last weekend.  I love the shape and size of this one.

Moroccan Dilemma:  Should I replace the long, narrow one with the round one?  Should I be selfish and keep both so I can change them?  Help me solve this dilemma.  Please comment and let me know which you think I should keep.  Let me know if I should keep both or sell one.  I await your advice.


  1. Keep the long narrow one, for sure. Let people bid on the round one, and decide at what point the money offered will look better than the table.

  2. As usual a very creative and practical solution. I value your opinion. Are you sure you are not trying to scam the round one?

  3. I see you have a blue side chair at the end of that beige sofa. Why don't you place the round one between those two pieces at an "end" table of sorts with a great little lamp on it?

    Katherine Wingate

  4. I like the long narrow, for more practical reasons. Saying that, you know how you like to change things around, so I don't see a problem with having them both, depending on your entertainment needs.

  5. keep them both. Round one can be used in lots of places. You went to the flea market without me? How dare you!!!

  6. Keep them both. Oh, Lindsey already said that--great minds. Exchange them occasionally. I'm sure you can find a place for the round one somewhere. Don't, DON'T get rid of it.

  7. I love the rectangle one! It looks fabulous! I don't know about selling the round one. Can't u use it somewhere else??

  8. It seems most think I should be my selfish self and keep both. Hope Katy will weigh in.

  9. I say keep them both! It will be fun to change them out. Plus you seem to be attached to them both, so why give one up? It takes a lot of time to find beautiful things that we love.

  10. I am keeping both as each breaks down and can be stored when the other is not in use. I love all the comments. Keep them coming.
