Thursday, May 17, 2012

Almost There

With May 22 almost here my party preparations are slowly coming together.
Clean and spruce up front porch. Done

Porch swing looks inviting.

Welcome basket out on door.

My favorite pink geraniums

An inviting place to sit with coffee or cocktail

Clean and spruce up patio.  Almost there.  Need to add a few plants and #2 wash tub for  beer and soft drinks.

Back door looking welcoming

Sitting area shaping up.  Love this Mad Matts recycled rug.

Another view of the sitting area

Another sitting area.

New light hung in breakfast room.  Done.  This light was created from a basket bought on my tour of P. Allen Smith's farm.  I think I am finally satisfied.

New breakfast room light.

Light in breakfast room setting.
I am planning on making a bourbon slush, recipe to follow.  This is a punch that is cold and perfect for a hot spring in the south.  We will be enjoying; homemade pimento cheese, Sassy's chicken salad, Barbara's ham salad, and many more treats made by a hand full of caring friends.  Soon the American flags will line the walkway, Japanese lanterns in the trees and hopefully a lively celebration for my friend, the next Representative to the House in Arkansas.

Bourbon Slush:

1 (12oz) can frozen lemonade
1 (6oz) can frozen orange juice
2 cups strong brewed tea
2 cups bourbon
2 cups water
1 liter ginger ale
2 lemons cut into wedges for garnish

In a large plastic container, combine lemonade concentrate, orange concentrate, tea, sugar, bourbon, and water.  Mix well and freeze for 24 hours.  Scoop mixture into glass til 3/4 full and pour ginger ale in glass.  Garnish with lemon wedge.   Sometimes I use fresh mint for garnish.  Enjoy.

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