My last blog was Art in the House. I wanted to share art in more detail. Art Stroll sponsored by Main Street Paragould is this Thursday night. The weather prediction is for perfect weather and you might discover a new local artist that might capture a mood or feeling you have been having.
Pastel by Merle Mueller. She is no longer with us. She was once owner and editor of "The Spotlight" a local newspaper.
"Binary Star System, Sunset" by Edwin Faughn past resident of Oak Grove. This photograph was taken in 1997. Edwin is with the Pink Palace in Memphis now.
Pet portrait by Gail Ford of Rector. She is showing at Art Stroll and has donated a contemporary work to be given away this year at Art Stroll. Great local talent.
Watercolor by Maria Bustimante. This was purchased at one of the first Art Stroll events. Doesn't show up well in photo but it depicts a lazy river, local geography.
We have had and have some talented artist in this area. You might discover art by someone you know. The event will also offer specials by Main Street merchants, food, beverages and music. An event not to be missed by the residents of Norheast Arkansas. I'll be there Thursday night and hope to see you.
Your Sara Howell tulips are my favorite of all her work I have the vibrant colors and how it is framed.