Friday, April 16, 2010


Frogs may seem a strange topic for an interior design blog.  I feel compelled to write about frogs today and this blog has nothing to do with the little green creatures that are abundant this time of the year.  The frogs I speak of have to do with holding flowers in a container.  Without a frog,  floral foam must be used to hold floppy arrangements up.  I am not in favor of adding any more styrofoam to the landfill.  As many of you know styrofoam is composed of material that will not decompose over a period of time.  I think there should be a movement to buy vintage or antique frogs and stop the use of floral foam.  We can all be a little more green and still enjoy flowers in an unlikely container.  This photo is of flowers in a wide mouthed silverplate container. 

One could have used floral foam to hold the droopy flower's little heads up but I chose to use an antique frog.  The idea is that the stems fit into the holes of the flat glass piece and then the stems and flower have support to stand in an open container and receive much needed water.  Until you get used to using the frog it can be tricky but I think our earth is worth the effort.  I also have a couple of wire frogs that work rather well

I have frogs that I inherited but this set of frogs was purchased at an antique shop.  Prices vary but I paid $ 4.50, 5.75 and 6.50.  The beauty is that these are washed, stored and used over and over again.  No landfill waste. 

Flowers are abundant this time of year and fill our hearts and home with beauty.  I hope everyone will investigate the use of frogs.  Lets save the earth and use frogs like the garden club ladies and florist of long ago.

Now it is time to go out and plant again so that I will have flowers to cut and fill my frogs.

1 comment:

  1. I had never seen glass frogs before today. Now I will be on the lookout for them, thanks!

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