Most people will be shocked by this revelation. Most know that I am a right brain, creative person. I love all things about entertaining people and welcoming them into my home. I am generally a happy person with happy thoughts. But this time of year I become someone entirely different. I get my readers or bifocals on and get my adding machine out and do the family taxes.
Tubotax for Home and Office is my tool of choice. I have to fie a schedule C because of my design business. This is a tool I have used for at least 10 years. Now the tool is great but only as good as the one gathering the information. Of course, being the right brain person that I am, I have not kept these records well so I will spend days gathering the charitable donations thrown in drawers. Having bank records online has helped me tremendously as I don't have to haul out the bank statements to gather figures for income and deductions. As all this is scattered all over no professional could piece this puzzle together and by the time he/she did I figured out 12 years ago that I could do the final figures.
The gathering begins and every year I swear I will be more organized and put things in a file and then something more interesting and happy comes along. I always choose to do the happy and interesting which causes me much aggravation for about two weeks during tax filing days. If you run into me during the next two weeks and I am not focused it is because I am doing what my grandmother knew I was not suited for, dealing with figures.
It is amazing to me that our lives can be summarized by a tax return. Seems so cold and "calculated" but so true that one can see what is important by where the money is spent.
I believe because I know I am not suited I am much more careful. I am always so satisfied when finished and the program shows no mistakes. So on to the task at hand so that I can get back to the joys of life and now everybody knows this about me even though some won't believe it.